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  1. Thank you! This popped into my inbox at exactly the right time! I was honestly at a loss with what to do with my previously super positive daughter, who has just started school and is now in a permanent grumpy funk. She won’t talk to us and it is breaking my heart. I’m so excited to try these. Thank you!

  2. Flossie McCowald | SuperMomHacks says:

    LOVE this! We deliberately do NOT ask “How was your day?” or “Did you have a good day?” at dinner, for this very reason. Instead, my go-to question for each family member is “Tell us about your day,” followed by “What was the BEST PART of your day?” / “favorite part” / “worst part” etc. I also ask specific questions about the day’s activities, like “What did you do in PE today?” “What are you working on in art class right now?” “Who did you play with at recess, and what did you play?” “Who did you sit with at lunch?” etc.

  3. Cassie from True Agape says:

    This will stimulate the kids thinking and answering skills. This is a good bond to the family too.

  4. Christine says:

    This is great! I’m gonna try it myself. Dinner time can be a drag sometimes

  5. What an awesome idea! My four-year-old has been telling us that dinner is “boring” lately. I can’t wait to try these out. Thanks!

  6. What a busy family life you have! Thanks for sharing these great ideas and having a chuckle whilst reading. I’m really excited about using them.

  7. Lindsay Jenkins says:

    What a great idea! Here I was thinking it would just be a list, but this makes it more like a game! You have a wonderful website here! Thanks for all your tips!