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  1. You hit the nail on the head! As a Mom of 11/2 year old twins with baby #3 due in a few weeks, my response to to the critics noting how full my hands are is always my heart is even more full. Large families aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay. I love mine & that’s all that matters. ????

  2. A trip to return with a white sand beach is irresistable.You must be realy into what you do

  3. Oh yes, having kids is very exhausting. No days off, 24/7. You always have an audience whatever you do, wherever you go – yes, even in the bathroom! Haha! But I won’t change anything. Spending time with my children while they are young is a fulfilling experience for me. And I believe that they will bring with them all the memories we will make.

  4. Lindsay Jenkins says:

    Oh, I LOVE this one!! I too have four kids and SO MANY times, well-meaning people have said, “Wow, you have your hands full, don’t you?” Now my kids are nearly grown so I don’t have to wrangle them anymore, but my hands are full in a different way! I’m starting a blog about family relationships, so I’m loving all of your articles.

  5. Wendy Mizell says:

    This is an AMAZING post! As a Mom to 12 year old triplet girls and an 8 year old girl, you can understand the looks and questions…. you are a little more gracious in your response than I am… I have been called ummm lets go with witty (sarcastic). LOL Its hard, its rough and often its thankless, but like you I would never in a million years trade it for ANYTHING. We all have different callings in life and I am so thankful my calling is to be a MOM!