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  1. These are great ideas Kelly! I’m going to have to re-read to take in all the great tips. I especially love #3 and #4. Well I don’t love #3 because I hate getting up early. I love the idea of it but I’m terrible at it. However, lately I’ve come to realize that I am much more of a night person, so I’ve been staying up later to work and it’s been so helpful! As for #4, that’s always a tough balance but you’re right, our kids need our attention and support. Even just a few minutes of focused attention can help my girls play independently. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

  2. I work from home (on my blog) and my kids are homeschooled. I know all the problems which are coming with it, and the benefits as well. The two best solutions for me were using noise-cancelling headphones and not trying to hear what is happening at home when i have them on :) and second, delegate some housework to the kids. They may be wont do the best job from it, but they will learn with time.

  3. Every working mother needs to read this. I just read another article about age-adequate chores for your children, and this falls just in line with that. I simply love the angle of making them self-sufficient and independent in a loving and responsible way. Kind of understanding that family is a network of interdependent cells rather than a hierarchy with one boss in charge and a bunch of half-responding subjects. Thank you for putting this together. All the best!