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  1. Mousey Serrano says:

    Oh, you had me in tears. I do not miss those days. My son is 21 and I still cry when he leaves the house. Sorry to tell you, but it doesn’t get any easier. Maybe when he gets married? I can’t give you any advice because I’m still leaving him in drop off day care!

  2. shelah moss says:

    So many parents feel this way. When I was 10 my mom started doing day care. I would see parents drop their screaming children off at our house and the moment they walked away and went out the door the child would abruptly stop crying and go off to play.

  3. nurturehernature says:

    Those days are tough! It’s so hard to walk away from a cry child, especially when they are so young. My oldest didn’t go to daycare until she was 15 months and had a tough time adjusting but now she loves it. She tells me all about her friends, they make awesome projects, and keep her in a good routine. Some times you can’t have it all but children learn good lesson from different experiences.

  4. Fab_Single_Mom says:

    You are right to feel that way. I am a single mom with a full-time job, and I had to start leaving my son to daycare when he was ten months. The first day was a disaster (for me). I cried for few minutes in the car and then called a friend for comfort and she told me “O you are lucky to have him in daycare at 10 months there are moms that do that when the maternity leave is up (3 months)”. It did make me realize that sometimes there are worse than what we have but still each day I felt sad and guilty. Now he is in Kindergarten, and I cried the first day when I saw him independent and confident with the huge backpack going to his class. Just think of the benefits that your daughter will gain by being in daycare: independence, socialization, learning through play and so on. I guess there is no formula but find what works for you. It did for me and also counting my blessings and being grateful for what I have, and others don’t.

  5. It’s amazing how we can beat ourselves up for pursuing our careers or just leading our own lives! :)
    I had similar encounters while dropping off my kids at daycare, and now I feel silly for all the horrible things I said to myself about myself!!

  6. Thanks for the article, it’s nice to know i’m not alone in feeling guilty about dropping my boy off at daycare.

  7. I want to thank you for this blog. My little guy is 10 months old and we have a wonderful nanny that comes to our house and stays with him while we are at work. She has become so close to our family. My husband and I have decided to put our house on the market this weekend and our nanny will not be able to drive to the new area that we are looking in. Today I had to have that awful conversation with her and then start the child care search. My stomach is in knots and I just want to break down. I’m not sure if its how much we will miss her, the stress of finding the right place or the thought of dropping my son off with strangers everyday praying that he is OK. Its my first day just LOOKING and I am a hot mess. I consider myself a pretty laid back mother but this has me feeling guilt like I have never had.

  8. Well-said. One thing I will add though that gives me the most guilt is the idea that itโ€™s not just being ripped away from Mom. At this age they need a primary caregiver whom they have a bond with in order to feel safe. Itโ€™s hard to get that 1:1 in a daycare setting. Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m struggling with. Just started my 16 mo old at a daycare.

  9. Have been there more times than I like to admit! Honestly! But in our case, it does help to have a daycare our child loves! We found them through and have never looked back!